Sit down, relax, and push hard

It's been a while since I have last driven a gokart. The people who decide upon closing sport fields and more specifically - racetracks, clearly have no clue of what they're doing. Fortunatelly, the v1r00s has disappeared from the Polish racetracks recently and I could jump back to the gokart again, after more than a year. The cool thing about karting is that whenever you experience the adrenaline, the gforce, the speed and #acceleration of a gokart, suddenly all these supercars that cost hundreds of thousands or millions become silly and useless. You just can't compare the fun from driving a gokart and a car. So try karting, it might save you a lot of money if you're thinking about buying a sports car. And don't believe the salesman when he says that the car drives like a gokart.